• Σήμερα είναι: Δευτέρα, 11 Νοεμβρίου, 2024


Πίνακας 1: Top Stock Exchange Markets

Πηγή: WFE and Bloomberg


Stock Exchange

Worldwide Ranking

Market cap ($ bn)

1 US (NYSE Euronext) 1 18.336,69
2 US (Nasdaq OMX) 2 6.745,63
3 Japan (Japan Exchange Group) 3 4.405,20
4 UK (London Stock Exchange Group) 4 3,962.37
5 China (Shanghai) 5 3,951.57
6 Europe (NYSE Euronext) 6 3,184.31
7 Hong Kong 7 2,992.28
8 China (Shenzhen) 8 2,651.23
9 Canada (Toronto) 9 1,653.37
10 Germany (Deutsche Borse) 10 1,584.97

Πίνακας 2: Κορυφαίες εταιρείες διεθνώς – Σύγκριση χωρών (2015)

Πηγή: Bloomberg and PwC analysis


Αριθμός εταιρειών

1 ΗΠΑ 53
2 Κίνα 11
3 Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο 8
4 Γερμανία 6
5 Γαλλία 4

Πίνακας 3: Ελληνόκτητες ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες
εισηγμένες σε χρηματιστήρια






1 Aegean Marine Petroleum Net. Inc. ANW NASDAQ MarineTransportation
2 Box Ships Inc.  TEU NYSE Marine Transportation
3 Capital Product Partners L.P. CPLP NASDAQ Marine Transportation
4 Costamare Inc.  CMRE NYSE Marine Transportation
5 Danaos Corporation  DAC NYSE Marine Transportation
6 Diana Shipping, Inc.  DSX NYSE Marine Transportation
7 DryShips Inc. DRYS NASDAQ Marine Transportation
8 Dynagas LNG Partners LP DLNG NASDAQ Marine Transportation
9 EuroseasLtd. ESEA NASDAQ Marine Transportation
10 FreeSeas Inc. FREE NASDAQ Marine Transportation
11 Frontline ltd FRO LSE MarineTransportation
12 Globus Maritime Limited GLBS NASDAQ Marine Transportation
13 Goldenport holdings Inc GPRT.L LSE MarineTransportation
14 Hellenic Carriers Ltd HCL.L LSE MarineTransportation
15 Navios Maritime Holdings Inc. NM NASDAQ Marine Transportation
16 NewLead Holdings Ltd. NEWL NASDAQ Marine Transportation
17 Paragon Shipping Inc. PRGN NASDAQ Marine Transportation
18 Safe Bulkers Inc.  SB NYSE Marine Transportation
19 Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp SHIP NASDAQ Marine Transportation
20 Star Bulk Carriers Corp. SBLK NASDAQ Marine Transportation
21 StealthGas, Inc. GASS NASDAQ Marine Transportation
22 TOP Ships Inc. TOPS NASDAQ Marine Transportation
23 Tsakos Energy Navigation Ltd TNP NASDAQ Marine Transportation

Πίνακας 4: Αποδόσεις ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών εισηγμένων σε χρηματιστήρια









Aegean Marine Petroleum Network Inc. 134,09% -55,82% 62,03% -62,05% -60,88% 175,00% 24,96%
Box Ships Inc. Ν/Α Ν/Α Ν/Α Ν/Α Ν/Α -60,69% -73,86%
Capital Product Partners L.P. -68,50% 17,82% 5,33% -36,67% 7,34% 59,12% -23,59%
Costamare Inc. Ν/Α Ν/Α Ν/Α Ν/Α -2,07% 29,03% -3,61%
Danaos Corporation 10,36% -74,40% -34,02% -16,14% -10,43% 46,27% 11,63%
Diana Shipping, Inc. 98,99% -59,44% 13,48% -16,99% -35,42% 77,67% -49,51%
DryShips Inc. -86,23% -45,40% -5,67% -62,23% -20,00% 193,75% -77,45%
Euroseas Ltd. -65,32% -9,07% -5,58% -36,35% -58,93% 59,34% -47,59%
Free Seas Inc. -76,83% -2,16% -45,00% -88,50% -79,56% -45,83% -96,22%
Fronntline LTD -37,75% -7,73% -7,14% -83,09% -24,01% 14,72% -32,89%
Globus Maritime Limited Ν/Α Ν/Α Ν/Α -63,47% -49,03% 134,74% -39,40%
Goldenport HLDGS Inc -75,12% 3,83% Ν/Α Ν/Α -44,12% 17,11% -47,98%
Hellenic Carriers LTD -75,11% 48,18% Ν/Α Ν/Α -61,45% 160,94% -35,33%
Navios Maritime Holdings Inc. -74,20% 91,46% -12,73% -32,39% -5,60% 231,16% -63,17%
NewLead Holdings Ltd. -94,96% 172,73% -78,52% -80,17% -13,04% -90,17% -100,00%
Paragon Shipping Inc. -73,92% -4,21% -24,62% -81,34% -65,00% 228,57% -63,18%
Safe Bulkers Inc. Ν/Α Ν/Α 31,14% 1,14% -32,39% 73,62% -62,40%
Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp -43,17% -45,44% -68,77% -84,26% -51,85% 93,26% -58,71%
Star Bulk Carriers Corp. -78,57% 10,42% -5,32% -66,66% -53,72% 177,33% -50,79%
StealthGas Inc. -64,51% 29,46% 27,40% -51,45% 105,44% 28,50% -38,08%
TOP Ships Inc. -83,73% -38,04% 7,92% -83,54% -47,60% 91,49% -91,59%
Tsakos Energy Navigation Ltd -50,53% -19,98% -31,79% -52,20% -21,55% 60,27% 16,14%

Πίνακας 5: Κατάταξη βάσει χωρητικότητας



Χρηματιστηριακή αγορά

1 Anangel, Maran Tankers, Maran Gas Όχι  
2 Cardiff & Dryships Ναι (Dryships) NASDAQ
3 Dynacom και Dynagas Ναι (Dynagas) NASDAQ
4 Navios Ναι NASDAQ
5 Euronar & Gaslg Όχι  
6 Tsakos Energy Navigation (TEN) &

Tsakos Shipping and Trading S.A.

7 Capital Ship Managment Ναι NASDAQ
8 Golden Union Όχι  
8 StealthGas & Brave Maritime Ναι (StealthGas) NASDAQ
10 Goldenport & Ocean gold Ναι (Goldenport) LSE